New Fortnite Sniper Rifle Could Shoot Through Walls

Fortnite Sniper Rifle

Data-mining of a new item indicates a heavy Fornite sniper rifle might be available soon which could shoot past walls. A Fortnite hub mined through data to discover an upcoming Fornite sniper rifle capable of shooting through the first wall it hits.

The rifle is of “heavy sniper rifle” category which is slow but lethal. While the standard sniper rifles have reloading time of 2.7 seconds and 116 damage score, the upcoming bolt-action Fortnite sniper has a whopping 157 damage score. However, the reloading time is rather longer than usual which is 4 seconds. If the long-range rifle does come it will be the most deadly Fortnite sniper rifle.

  • Damage: 157
  • Crit Chance: 0%
  • Crit Damage: 0%
  • Fire Rate: 0.33
  • Magazine Size: 1
  • Range: 1
  • Durability: 99999
  • Durability per Use: 0.0
  • Reload Time: 4.05
  • Ammo Type: Ammo: Heavy Bullets
  • Ammo Cost: 1
  • Impact: 396
  • Patch Added: 5.10.0

The new rifle is said to have been added in the 5.10 update patch. The same update patch introduced us to the Compact SMG which totally chomps other weapons. Despite the reputation of the 5.10 patch, Epic Games are yet to confirm anything about a Fortnite sniper.

Update 5.10 is included in those patches which were made to deteriorate building tactics. Epic Games have made efforts in making buildings less reliable so that classic shoot-outs can be carried. In June they backed these actions by saying “not every encounter should have to end in a build-off”.

This is perhaps positive news for those in the user-base which envies every structure they encounter on the map. Reductions of building effectiveness is a sigh of relief for such players. Meanwhile, this step by Epic Games has started to worry some player that Fortnite might start to slip away from its original Battle Royale format. The sense of originality might get lost in this course. If updates keep on adding items like the coming Fortnite sniper rifle things might get adverse for the latter user-base.

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